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Our collaboration with Evoverse commenced with the ambitious goal of establishing their online presence within the highly competitive iGaming industry. Tasked with implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy from scratch, our team embarked on a journey to elevate Evoverse’s visibility, drive organic traffic, and enhance their digital footprint. 

Summary of Project

With a focus on targeted link building and strategic keyword optimization, we set out to position Evoverse as a formidable player in the dynamic world of iGaming. Through meticulous execution and a commitment to excellence, our partnership with Evoverse yielded remarkable results, propelling them to the forefront of the iGaming landscape and solidifying their position as a trusted leader in the industry.


About the Project?

Our collaboration with Evoverse commenced with the ambitious goal of establishing their online presence within the highly competitive iGaming industry. Tasked with implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy from scratch, our team embarked on a journey to elevate EvoVerse’s visibility, drive organic traffic, and enhance their digital footprint. With a focus on targeted link building and strategic keyword optimization, we set out to position EvoVerse as a formidable player in the dynamic world of iGaming.

The Client

Evoverse is a leading provider of innovative iGaming solutions, offering a wide range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of the gaming industry. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, Evoverse has quickly emerged as a trusted partner for businesses seeking cutting-edge gaming solutions. Their dedication to delivering top-quality services and their passion for pushing the boundaries of gaming technology make them a standout player in the iGaming landscape.


The primary objective of our collaboration with Evoverse was to enhance their online visibility and establish them as a prominent player in the iGaming industry. Through strategic SEO initiatives, we aimed to drive organic traffic, improve keyword rankings, and bolster Evoverse’s domain authority. Additionally, we sought to increase brand awareness and credibility within the iGaming community, positioning Evoverse as a go-to destination for innovative gaming solutions.


Our scope of work encompassed a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored to Evoverse’s specific requirements and objectives. We began by conducting in-depth keyword research to identify high-impact keywords relevant to the iGaming sector. We then implemented targeted link building campaigns, focusing on acquiring authoritative backlinks and strengthening Evoverse’s domain authority. Additionally, we optimized on-page elements and content to enhance keyword relevance and improve search engine visibility. Our efforts extended to ongoing monitoring and optimization, ensuring sustained growth and performance in Evoverse’s organic search presence. Through strategic initiatives and meticulous execution, we aimed to position Evoverse as a leading player in the competitive iGaming landscape.

What’s the results?

Link Building Strategy


    • Business Submissions: Implemented business submissions to authoritative directories and listings relevant to the iGaming industry. This ensured Evoverse’s presence across various online platforms, enhancing brand visibility and credibility.
    • .Edu Backlinks: Leveraged our expertise in acquiring high-quality .edu backlinks, a valuable asset in improving domain authority and trustworthiness. These backlinks were strategically placed to bolster Evoverse’s authority within the iGaming sector.
    • Web 2.0 Strategies: Implemented web 2.0 strategies to create and optimize content-rich pages on web 2.0 platforms, focusing on Evoverse’s services pages. This approach helped in diversifying the backlink profile and strengthening the overall domain authority.

Keyword Focus

    • iGaming Sector Keywords: Prioritized ranking for keywords directly related to iGaming solutions, which constitute Evoverse’s core service offerings. Extensive keyword research was conducted to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords, ensuring alignment with Evoverse’s business objectives.
    • Monthly Progress: Continuously monitored keyword rankings and performance metrics, implementing refinements and optimizations to improve rankings for targeted iGaming sector keywords.

Results Achieved

  1. Keyword Rankings

    • Evoverse achieved significant visibility on Google for iGaming-related terms, with over 137 keywords ranking prominently in search results. This comprehensive keyword coverage indicates a strong online presence within the iGaming niche.
    • Continuous improvement in keyword rankings over successive months demonstrates the effectiveness of our SEO strategies in driving Evoverse’s organic search performance.
  2. Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) Growth

    • Within a span of 4 months, Evoverse witnessed substantial growth in domain authority, increasing from inception to a commendable DA score of 9. This upward trajectory reflects the enhanced credibility and trustworthiness of Evoverse’s online domain.
    • Page authority also experienced notable growth, reaching a PA score of 25, indicative of the increased relevance and authority of individual pages within Evoverse’s website architecture.
  3. Domain Rating (DR) Improvement

    • The domain rating (DR) for Evoverse’s website showed significant improvement, rising to a DR score of 16. This enhancement underscores the overall strength and authority of Evoverse’s online domain, contributing to improved search engine visibility and rankings.


Through a targeted and strategic approach to SEO, Evoverse has achieved remarkable progress in enhancing its online presence and visibility within the competitive iGaming landscape. The comprehensive link building efforts, coupled with a focus on iGaming sector keywords, have resulted in significant improvements in keyword rankings, domain authority, and overall search performance.

Our team Responsibilities for Evoverse 

Nick, Saniya, Shivam, and Steve worked as a team. They all worked together to reach its goals. Their skills and hard work helped do well online. Because of them, is set up to do well for a long time online.


SEO Specialist

Nick, our SEO Specialist, took the lead. Nick managed the planning and carry out of our SEO efforts because of his many years of experience in developing and analyzing SEO plans. Nick carried out thorough research to understand the goals and target area of, finding important areas in need of development. Nick developed a unique strategy to improve the website's contact on search engines, increasing natural traffic and raising search engine rankings.


Content Writer

For, Saniya, our content writer, was important in creating engaging and search engine optimized content. Saniya included suitable keywords to increase each content's search engine visibility while also creating it to be interesting to the website's viewers. By attracting and keeping a loyal audience, Saniya interesting articles, blogs, and lessons have helped the growth of as a useful resource for the publishing industry.


Backlink Specialist

Steve, our Backlink Specialist, worked on getting other websites to link to Steve talked to trustworthy websites in the publishing industry and asked them to put links to on their sites. These links made look more trustworthy to search engines, which helped it show up higher in search results. Steve's work was really important because it made more well-known and trusted on the internet.

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